State of Georgia

Open Meeting Minutes
Atlanta, GA

October 18, 2019

This meeting of the Investigative Panel of the Judicial Qualifications Commission of the State of Georgia was held at the State Bar Center in Atlanta. Mr. Pope Langdale chaired the meeting and Ms. Phyllis Motes served as Recording Secretary.

Commission Members Present:

Mr. Pope Langdale
Mr. Richard Hyde
Judge Stacey Hydrick
Judge Verda Colvin
Mr. James Balli

Others Present:

Mr. Ben Easterlin – Director
Mr. Will Lasker – Staff Attorney
Ms. Phyllis Motes – Case Manager
Lance Alford – Investigator


Upon motion and second, the Minutes of the September 20, 2019 meeting were approved.

Director’s Reports:

Chairman Langdale called the meeting to order and determined that a quorum was present.

Chairman Langdale began by briefly discussing the interview process. He reminded the Panel members that all applicants on the short list would be interviewed today by those present, and the applicants would be interviewed by Mr. Barr and Mr. Selby within the next two weeks.

Mr. Easterlin began the Director’s Report by reminding the Panel members that they could find the financial report on Box under the Agenda tab. Mr. Easterlin also stated that at this time the Judicial Qualifications Commission has expended 24% of their yearly budget through 25% of the fiscal year.

Next, Mr. Easterlin conducted a discussion regarding the Judicial Qualifications Commission’s meeting schedule 2020. It was decided that the meetings would be scheduled on third Friday of every month going forward.

There being no new business or old business to discuss, the Panel then went into its closed meeting.

These minutes were approved by the Judicial Qualifications Commission on November 15, 2019.

Pope Langdale, Chairman

Ben F. Easterlin, IV, Director